HELLO PEOPLE!! my second time getting "drag" to post ??? I'm back!!! hehe. I know i got nothing to do k. But i'm just lazy to online. There's nothing to do anyway.
I'm going back to school tmr guys =D. erm.. with Jo Yee's "best friend". Guess who?? anyway JO YEE! when you wana belanja us Rakuzen huh.. Hopefully i can go Jogoya babe! See la. Herm 3 of you guys studying 1 working and
1 slacking!! COOL =D. Gonna take license after CNY. Wish me luck. Muahahha. Ang Pau time coming soon.
Jo Yee saya nak graduati0n photos pls .. =D
Sangat bosan la. Even here i dont know what to write wei. And my teeth been a Bitch this whole week.
Rihanna's in town. Live in KL on Feb 13th.. anyone going?? wth now i notice its one day before Valentines. Shucks.
= =. I'm waiting for my Valentine gifts..... hehe.. *coughhintcoughhintcough*
Anyhoo..bosan. Let me post a random video. blah!!
oh anyone watched happy slip on youtube before?? i personally like it cause its hilarious to me thought lame at times. Been wasting time watching it la of you guys wanna know how i spend my day rotting at homeyyyy.. xD
ttfn WiC